Alkaitis products are formulated and manufactured in-house by Dr. Alkaitis, and only use living ingredients derived from whole organic plants and organic oils.
100% certified Organic Aloe Vera Gel is the base for the products, not water. Only certified organic alcohol, the drinkable kind, is used in the products.
Naturally, all chemincals, synthetics, "plant derived products," trans fat and GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are rigorously excluded.
All products are made in-house, including our extracts. To maintain the integrity of the plants, our extracts are made using whole plants at room temperature, thereby maximizing their therapeutic potential. For instance, the soap base for our Herbal Facial Cleanser has to mature for more than six months.
Products are never older than two weeks when we ship them.
They are especially beneficial for people with multiple chemical sensitivities.